第九条支持 & 合规办公室



Ferroggiaro 200B | 925.631.4055


Saint Mary's College of California continually strives to maintain 和 strengthen a community which cultivates 和 expects mutual respect 和 inclusivity for all students, 员工, 和客人.

An integral part of this commitment is ensuring a campus environment free of sex- or gender-based discrimination, 骚扰, 和报复.


直接电话: (925) 631-4055
直接电子邮件: jev7@po-erotik.com
邮寄地址: 圣玛丽路1928号,费罗贾罗200B,莫拉加,加州94575
校园办公地点: Ferroggiaro, 200B 2楼

Reports of discrimination, 骚扰, 性行为不端 are taken seriously by the college. The 第九条 Coordinator or a Deputy 第九条 Coordinator will respond to all reports of allegations of misconduct. Reports can be made directly to the 第九条 Coordinator, or any of the deputies listed below.


The 第九条支持 和 合规办公室 oversees the College's compliance with laws 和 regulations in the prevention of sex- 和 gender-based discrimination 和 骚扰, including the coordination of education 和 training activities 和 the response to all reports of sex or gender discrimination, 性骚扰(包括性侵犯), 约会或家庭暴力, 和跟踪), 以及其他形式的不当性行为. 所有 members of the SMC community are encouraged to contact the 第九条 Coordinator for any questions, 担忧, 或抱怨. 请参阅上面的联系信息.

有 no obligation for the person(s) who experience misconduct to utilize any services or resources offered 和 individuals are free to opt in or out at any time. Beyond facilitating the impartial investigation 和 prompt resolution of any formal complaints, 对于任何给定的情况, 本处可透过以下方式提供协助:

  • Meeting with all parties involved to discuss the options 和 resources available to them.
  • 向各方介绍可提供进一步支持和指导的资源, 例如咨询和心理服务, 关怀中心, 健康中心, 或者外部机构.
  • Implementing supportive measures to address the health 和 safety of all parties involved 和 facilitate continued access to their educational program 和 employment, 适当的.
  • 通过顾问连接各方, who can assist them with navigating the investigation 和 resolution process 和 will pose questions on their behalf during any formal hearing proceedings.

The 第九条支持 和 合规办公室 also provides members of the SMC community with several avenues to learn what they need to stay informed 和 active in the ongoing pursuit of creating a respectful learning 和 working environment free from discrimination, 骚扰, 性暴力. 我们办公室每年为学生和员工提供培训. 除了, we frequently collaborate with other departments to promote campaigns 和 initiatives that increase awareness of issues related to discrimination 和 骚扰 和 help prevent sexual violence within the SMC community.

第九条支持和合规办公室负责确保, 在所有情况下, 公平处理报告,关心和照顾有关各方. 这样做的时候, 第九条协调员和第九条小组成员发挥中立作用, acting with independence 和 authority that is free from bias 和 conflicts of interests. The Coordinator works to ensure that all 员工 involved in the College's response 和 resolution processes act with objectivity 和 impartiality. 在参与案件解决程序之前, each party involved will have an opportunity to assess 和 bring up any 担忧 about potential conflicts of interest 和 personal bias with the 决策者 involved. 除了, 为所有顾问提供年度培训, 调查人员, 决策者, 并呼吁决策者如何公正、不带偏见地提供服务, as well as how to protect the safety of victims 和 promote the accountability throughout the entire investigation 和 resolution process.

履行学校的使命, 遵守法律法规, Saint Mary's College has policies 和 procedures to address situations involving sex- 和 gender-based discrimination, 骚扰, 性行为不端. Our Policy is what all students 和 员工 和 third parties are held accountable to, 和 anyone who engages in prohibited conduct may be subject to the procedures 和 sanctions detailed in this policy. To review the current policy 和 procedures related to 第九条, click on the link below.


因为加州十大正规网赌平台是一所联邦资助的机构, 并接受州政府的资金, 它必须遵守一些联邦和州的法律法规, 包括:

  • 1972年教育修正案第九条 - a federal civil rights law that prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in any federally funded education program or activity. 第九条促进学术和体育项目的公平, 防止基于性和性行为不端的敌对环境, 并防止歧视怀孕和育儿的学生. 根据第九条, discrimination on the basis of send can include sexual 骚扰 or forms of sexual violence, 比如强奸, 性侵犯, 家庭暴力, 约会暴力, 性剥削, 和被人跟踪.
  • 加州参议院493号法案 -州法律规定所有员工  faculty members are considered 强制性的记者 of incidents or 担忧 involving gender-based discrimination, 骚扰, 性行为不端. 强制性的记者 or "Responsible Employee" are people who have authority to take action to redress sexual 骚扰 or provide supportive measures to students, or who have a duty to report sexual 骚扰 to an appropriate school official who has that authority. SB 493 also requires processes with specific actions to be implemented for schools to respond to alleged sexual 骚扰 和 assault.
  • 1990年的珍妮·克莱里法案 - a federal law requiring schools (institutions of higher education only) receiving federal monies to collect 和 publish information about specific crimes occurring on campus. 学校 must publish an Annual Security Report (ASR) that includes three calendar years worth of crime statistics, 以及支持校园安全的现行政策和程序. ASR通常在每年10月发布,其中包括校园火灾报告. 
  • 反妇女暴力法(VAWA)第304条 - 1994年颁布的联邦法律, 最近一次重新授权是在2022年, 提高对家庭暴力和侵害妇女犯罪的认识. 它已经被更新和修改了无数次, 目前为所有人提供保险,不论性别. 其最初条款, 一直延续到今天, m和ated states create separate criminal statues for 家庭暴力; provided additional protections for victims like quicker access to protective orders; ability to break housing contracts without penalty; 和 provided funding for safe houses. VAWA also prescribes st和ards for investigation 和 conduct of student conduct proceedings for 家庭暴力, 约会暴力, 性侵犯, 跟踪案件(无论第九条是否适用).


(925) 631-4238


Angela 所有ey-Street(她/她)
(925) 631-4910


(925) 631-4521